Nov 2010

Turnout control

One of the things I have spend a lot of time trying to decide on is turnout control. I first planed on the Atlas code 83 solenoid machines. There are very easy to install anywhere on the layout (much easier than any under track solution). They provide easy manual control as well as remote control. Also I think there are small enough that they do not detract from the visual aspect of the layout.  I had designed a scheme so that manual movement of the turnout could be reported to JMRI. I want to have the capability of automatic control. Unfortunately, the small Atlas machines do not put enough force on the turnout points for consistent reliable operation.

I do not like the tortoise solution for a couple of reasons: their size makes locating them under a table like mine very difficult is some cases and the relativity large hole required under the turnout. It is hard to install the tortoise after the turnout is in place. "I know install the tortoise before the turnout!" Good idea if you planned it that way up front. The tortoise does have some nice features that are hard to achieve with other solutions.

At this point I am planing on using small servos. They are small and inexpensive. They are not convenient switching power to the frog (which I do in some cases). I have done various experiments on how best to mount the servo, install linkage to the points and switch frog power. At this point I plan on using the Motrak Models mounting bracket. To switch frog power I plan on putting a microswitch on the side of the servo with glue or double sided tape.